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Ippei, Frank's Heliolisk, Clemont's Heliolisk, Hoopa Unbound Moira, Anthea, Merilyn Flame, Alvin, RickĬhili, Blue ( Origins), Silver ( Generations), various CODsĬandice, Autumn, Lila, Chimecho ( Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness), Shinx (Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time & Darkness) Lance ( Generations), Professor Oak ( The Two Professors) Tyson, Ingo, Riley, various CODs, various Pokémon J, Greta, Vivian Meridian, Wilma *, various CODs Professor Willow ( The Two Professors, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet promotional video) Nurse Joy ( Kalos: XY003- XY064), Randall, Pancham ( XY011) Sarah ( SM082-present), Mallow ( JN037-present), Primarina Trainer ( SM081), Sophocles's Togedemaru ( SM081-present), Minior Slugma ( Heated Battle), Magmortar ( Heated Battle), Mad Magmar Sidney ( Pokémon Masters EX), Mustard ( Twilight Wings) Gary Oak, James ( MoMP, AG146-present), Professor Oak ( MoMP, AG186-present), Butch ( AG176-present), Todd Snap, Pryce, Meowth ( MoMP, AG146-present), various CODs, various Pokémon Rotom Pokédex, Ash's Rowlet, Students ( SM005), Titus, Lumiose Conference Referee, Store Owner ( XY129), Team Flare Grunt ( XY132) Reina, Pidgey ( Origins), Caterpie (Origins), Mew (Origins) It will enhance any encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the WIKI 2 technology.
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Jupiter ( JNS01-present), Lindsey, Jinny, Malva ( Generations) To install click the Add extension button. See more of Ray Porter Audiobook Narrator on Facebook. Email or phone: Password: Forgot account Sign Up. Nurse Joy ( Kalos: XY082-present), Valerie, Astrid, Sara Lee, Ash's Pikachu (Speaking part M20), various CODs, various Pokémon Mr Porter, Knocked it out of the park yet again, good sir Damn fine job Please keep up the good work. Olympia, Olympica, Mother Villager ( M18), Crowd ( M18)Ĭrasher Wake, Wulfric, Mannes, Dusknoir, various CODs Surge, Bruno, Meowth ( EP032- AG145), Ash's Corphish ( AG023- AG139), Ash's Torkoal ( AG058- AG133), Chatot, various CODs, various Pokémon Sukizo ( AG151- DP155), Raoul Contesta ( AG151- DP155), May's Wartortle, various CODs Tracey Sketchit ( AG192), Giovanni ( DP002- DP043), Brandon, Kyle, Roark, Mr. Max ( AG003- AG145), Molly Hale, DJ Mary, Winona, various CODsĪsh's Metapod ( M20), Kiawe's Marowak, Horacio, Marowak ( SM042), Scyther ( SM028) Heidayu, Santo, Mantle, Researcher B ( XY087), Trainer ( XY119), Alain's Bisharp, Shauna's Ivysaur, Sawyer's Doublade, Aliana's Druddigon ( XY107), Bryony's Bisharp, Patrat, various Pokémonĭiana, Brock's Vulpix ( EP028), various CODs Vivian Meridian ( AG035- AG123), Lilian Meridian ( AG143- AG144), Townes, various CODs Tabitha, Scott ( AG132- AG136), various CODs This is a list of all voice actors who have appeared in the English dub of the Pokémon anime.
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Please feel free to edit this article to add missing information and complete it. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.